What Is A Blockchain?
Blockchain - A decentralized computation and information sharing platform that enables multiple authoritative domains , who do not trust each other, to cooperate, collaborate and coordinate in a rational decision making process. Suppose you and I are doing a history project and we have to submit a report on an historical monument. We know the traditional process of sharing documents i.e via microsoft word. I send a writeup of the project to you, you review it and edit, sending new edited document to me. This process continues for some time. You can imagine how cumbersome a process like that will be. This can even lead to misunderstanding or miscommunication between you and me. Now we do have come up with a modern process of document sharing i.e via Google Doc. The document is shared on a free cloud service provided by Google. Here you and I can edit simultaneously on our history project and avoid different edits of same project. But, there is one flaw to this process - the e